Florian Herlings.

This was sent out as a newsletter on 28. April 2020.

Limits of computer power, clean code, database design and more…

Hello friends,

it’s been quite a while since I sent out the last newsletter. Times were different back then – less stressful – but I am sure that in a few months times will have changed again, and I want to assume for the better.

A lot has changed for me as well: When I wrote the last newsletter I working as an engineering manager in a company I really liked. Since then I transitioned to become a web development teacher, which has been my dream for quite some time. I am planning to write about the experience in a future article on my website, for now you can sign up for one of my courses here.

This newsletter will also change: I found out, that I can no longer keep a weekly schedule, as it actually takes more time and energy than one thinks. I will send this newsletter “every now and then” instead of forcing myself to send it out every week.

We are all in this together, and I have seen so much love and kindness in the past weeks, that I am full of hope for our future. Don’t give up.

Articles on the web

We’re approaching the limits of computer power – we need new programmers now

In this article John Naughton is advertising for us (programmers) to adopt new approaches towards multi core programming. Super interesting viewpoints.

Goodbye, Clean Code by Dan Abramov

The always great Dan Abramov writes about letting go of trying to polish a perfectly good piece of code. I fall into this trap myself a lot: I want to build something small and start creating classes, state machines and abstractions, where a hand full of simple functions would do the trick. He gives a great example to follow along on what not to do. ;)

Organisational Dysfunctions Mirrored as Architectural Complexity by Nick Tune

Wonderful article, expressing – once again – how the internal structure of the team is represented in the code base. He especially highlights how dysfunctional teams lead to dysfunctional and overly complex code bases.

How I teach database design by Daniel Lemire

Great insight into how Daniel Lemire – a computer science professor – teaches database design.

https://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=find . -type f -print0

An awesome website, that let’s you paste any shell one liner and displays very helpful information about what all of the pieces mean. Awesome work and super helpful.

Articles I wrote

Difference between encoding, hashing and encryption

Even though these topics are not actually connected, I see people confusing them quite a lot. The article will help understanding the basic concepts and how they differ from each other.

Working with history, pushState and replaceState in Javascript

Javascript in the Browser has a lot of great features. One of those is the history object. This article explains how to use the history API and goes deeper into the users of pushState and replaceState.

I hope you are healthy and safe. Don’t hesitate to take some of your energy and invest it into your own well being. We will get through this together.


This website does not use any tracking or feedback mechanism. Instead, I would love for you to get in touch with me to let me know if you liked it or if you have any suggestions or questions.